This picture makes me cry!

This picture makes me cry!
Thought it was time to change my picture

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

As a man thinketh.....

I didn't hit the gym last night - hubby had to go back to work AGAIN so I opted to head home and spend a few moments with him - our time seems to get less and less around the holidays! On my way home I was flipping through stations and happened on a preacher.....I know that people may not believe me to be spiritual but in fact nothing is further from the truth. I grew up in a fairly strict charismatic church, you know the kind - limited makeup, jewelry, nail polish, always a dress type. I was very very involved in church and unfortunately got hurt and long story short - ran hard and fast from organized religion. It has taken me a long time to get back to feeling safe in a church but it's coming....even in my absence from church, I never lost my faith but again - that is another story for another time.

Anyway, I was listening to this preacher on the radio and he was talking about a scripture in Proverbs that says "As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he". How true is that??!! This started the wheels turning and I realized that over the last few months I have been agonizing over workouts, food, protein, carbs, calories - you know I didn't lose weight that way......I lost weight by relaxing and not obsessing so much over food. Now that I'm becoming the food/exercise police, I'm gaining.....does that make any sense?? I've been stressed out about how to get a workout in this week with all that I have going on......well guess what girls.....I'm taking the week off - no more stressing, no more food logging, no more feeding the muscle, starving the fat, killing myself......not this week. This week, I'm going to feed Barbie when she is hungry and be done.......this week, I'm going to remember how far I've come and be thankful for my accomplishments. This week, I'm going to believe in my heart that I'm a success, that I'm beautiful, loved, strong and add up to so much more than inches and pounds!

I happen to believe that everything happens for a reason so maybe the hubby having to go back to work and my missing spin class was meant to be?

I hope you all have a wonderful Thanksgiving full of family and fun! I heart you all!


The Price's Wife said...

Love it. You're awesome!

noelle said...

good for you! You are a success, you are beautiful and I am quite certain you are loved. Enjoy your week of just appreciating who you have become!

Tina said...

Great post.. I really appreciated it.. Off and on ever since I was a teen I struggled with eating disorders and even now on WW again when I get super restrictive with myself and don't cut myself a break to relax and just enjoy life (and food), I see those tendencies creeping back. I love that you are taking time to relax and chill. You are beautiful!

Anonymous said...

AMEN! Yet again, you say it better than I ever could!

Amanda said...

I'm one of those things happen for a reason kinda people too. Always have been... :)

I was raised in organized religion too. I still believe, but I don't go to church on a weekly basis either. So I feel ya...